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t1_jaary4a wrote

As an expat Aussie let me assure you we export Fosters because nobody local drinks it.


t1_jaauqnz wrote

Beat me to it. Shittiest beer


t1_jabmh9s wrote

Fosters was very popular until that ad.

That’s what killed it. The beer actually isn’t that bad.


t1_jaem9fh wrote

What ad . Serious


t1_jaemdhn wrote

Shrimp on the barbie


t1_jaeno5d wrote



t1_jaenul0 wrote

Jesus what more do you want? I cannot give more than this, it’s iconic.

Punch ‘shrimp on the barbie’ into google.


t1_jaax1dm wrote

As an aussie in a town with a lot of pubs, I have yet to see a pub that actually has fosters on tap. Only a handful even served it at all, and they were in more touristy areas.


t1_jabhtzv wrote

I did in the early 2000s. Haven't seen them in 20 years. But I'm from the goldie and we gave tourists ask for that shite.


t1_jabhc2q wrote

Are you inland? It does seem that the coastal (perhaps more touristy cities) had Fosters available.


t1_jabmvq2 wrote

Nah on the coast in North QLD. There's a handful of pubs around here that have Fosters available in cans/bottles, but none of them have it on tap.


t1_jabo1u1 wrote

Gotcha. Ages ago I visited SW coastal OZ, and it was the same thing, cans available in pubs, but not on tap.

Also, while on the topic of beer and travel and whatnot, I, as an American cannot believe how many other countries seem to want/ seem to enjoy Budweiser, it is basically the Fosters of America, and I could not be paid to drink it.


t1_jaauvna wrote

It's actually an imported beer. It's brewed in the UK because no one drinks it.


t1_jabe7r2 wrote

Wouldn't be the first time the English sent their unwanted here


t1_jabhxbz wrote

I didn’t even know we still made it. Never seen it in a bottle shop or pub.


t1_jaayjmm wrote

lol ya I got aussie pals... i was just watching a Paul Hogan film when I saw this thread.. and I remembered his funny travel commercials...

ya I tried that beer once... never again... I may end up looking like Donk...