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clarkrd t1_jablcn6 wrote

so, are we at level 10 of the FAFO scale? I plan on retiring to Northern Vermont in 10 years. Too late?


Drywesi t1_jabmonx wrote

Depends on an awful lot of factors. Weather's going to get more unpredictable tho, and likely harsher in its extremes. It wouldn't surprise me to see significant sea level rise and consequent shoreline loss on the East Coast in the next 20ish years. Which is going to change how things shake out up there.


ChooglinOnDown t1_jabvgog wrote

> are we at level 10 of the FAFO scale?

Worse, we're at Level One. We're just now barely beginning to feel the effects.

If you're young, your children will live worse and shorter lives than you. Your grandchildren are going to be deprived.
