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NuteTheBarber t1_j9tdfq5 wrote

This is why republicans wanted an auditor general but it got shot down


Ltownbanger t1_j9trmc8 wrote

How would their proposal differ from the office of the Comptroller Genereal that the US already has?


nomofica t1_j9vzzo9 wrote

It wouldn't, it's a milquetoast attempt to generate more "we tried but those evil Democrats stood in our way" talking points.


Cfwydirk t1_j9vdimz wrote

Smoke and mirrors. There is already a branch of government that fills that roll. Since 1921, the (General Accountability Office) has been serving the public. In that role. The politicians of both parties hold them on a leash and don’t have them audit all Federal programs as they should. “The work of the GAO is done at the request of congressional committees or subcommittees or is mandated by public laws or committee reports.”