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k3surfacer t1_j9pn7q8 wrote

>country's identity

An identity threatened by migrants is no real identity.


ZealousidealResort91 t1_j9prir9 wrote

I don't mean to defend this guy at all but what do you mean by that? Imagine you have a very conservative country and then you have mass immigration from very Liberal countries. Of course, this would lead to conflicts wouldn't it? The same would apply the other way round. In other words, how would you define a country's identity without relying on how people living in that country think?


Current-Wealth-756 t1_j9pu7ge wrote

I'm trying to put the best spin on this and assume he means that an identity just based on what color you are isn't a valid identity, but you're right, of course a huge influx of people with their own culture, history, and values will change the identity of the region, obviously that happens, there's no way for that not to happen


k3surfacer t1_j9pttaf wrote

Well, you are talking about sociopolitical make up of a country. It changes with time and technology and ... That can't be identity.

Conflicts must be avoided but I don't feel ok when people talk about migration collectively. It is a red flag.



Well that's a shame considering that the Second World is actively weaponizing refugee crises across the globe. Seems like an important topic to be able to talk about, but I can understand that some may not be able to stomach it.