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CloneFailArmy t1_ja1fb14 wrote

If Canadians will ignore this, I’m glad you guys can pick this up. I’m tired of people discrediting all the corruption behind this man because anyone who doesn’t like trudeau is somehow automatically Alt Right Nazis.

No, I just don’t like women being oppressed, multiple corruption scandals, and using children and child charity as a cover up to funnel nearly a billion dollars of tax payer money to his family.

I mean he literally threatened to dissolve government MID pandemic because people wanted to investigate him for stealing tax payer dollars in parliament.


Sam-buca_I_Am t1_ja2h9t2 wrote

I suspect most of his own voters hate him for all those reasons and more. They just feel even worse about the alternatives.


lost_opossum_ t1_ja986og wrote

The money wasn't all going to Trudeau's family. Not even close. I'd say there is a serious case of truth stretching going on here. There are elements of this that smell bad, but not like you're saying.