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gualdhar t1_ja7v9lj wrote

The partisans are supposedly out of the country.


Dr_Randall_Savage t1_ja8lutt wrote

Provoke outrage, outright

Don't engage, strike by night

Remain relentless 'til their troops take flight

Make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight

Outrun, outlast

Hit 'em quick, get out fast

Stay alive 'til this horror show is past

We're gonna fly a lot of flags half mast


Susan-stoHelit t1_ja94v5b wrote

Hamilton could so easily have been written for this, so far as the feel of the movement and battles and desperation, determination, hope, courage.

Maybe in a year or two we can have the Zelensky musical. Even if Putin is more pathetic and less entertaining than King George.


Korvanacor t1_ja9m9ub wrote

How does an actor, comedian, son of a geer and a computer scientist…


OldManRainey t1_ja9ts72 wrote

You know it will have to include his infamous piano bit:


Green_Message_6376 t1_ja8n2h0 wrote

Nice one doc. I love a good Poet.