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TurpitudeSnuggery t1_ja0mwyx wrote

TIL there is a donkey skin trade


joausj t1_ja154sq wrote

It's a traditional Chinese medicine thing if I remember correctly.


PlayasBum t1_ja1cskm wrote

It’s always a fucking Chinese medicine thing.


DavidBSkate t1_ja1hf4k wrote

The weirdest shit. Like if if I could only eat monkey ball sack, all my problems would be solved! Wtf!?


iCCup_Spec t1_ja1kdvj wrote

Way back in the days people don't have a good grasp of nutrition; if they got lucky and got their missing micronutrients from some nutsack it'll feel like magic.


PuckFutin69 t1_ja32bh0 wrote

My doctor said I should eat some monkey balls. Hard to stomach, I almost macacked them up.


travelinzac t1_ja1xkkl wrote

Seriously how do we purge the world of this crap


Tricky-Lingonberry81 t1_ja2gpge wrote

Math, science, logic, and philosophy classes starting as soon as kids can learn. Specifically teaching everyone how to identify logical fallacies. Preventing socially conservative dictators and politicians of any economic or religious persuasion from committing purges of information and people. Over half of traditional Chinese medicine came to exist under Mao after he had convinced the young people to kill many of the elderly and highly educated. There were no doctors, so they made up some stuff and called it medicine and gave it a backstory that tied it to herbal remedies that were traditional.


yukon-flower t1_ja4tkdu wrote

When science-based healthcare becomes too expensive (or onerous), people turn to quack remedies. Same with homeopathy. The placebo effect and things naturally spontaneously resolving themselves provide enough positive incentive, along with the profit motives of the purveyors. Still cheaper than going to a doctor in the United States.


MenstrualCupBearer t1_ja9w6ni wrote

You boycott this shit like the vegans you hate so much for boycotting this shit.


WerewolfHowls t1_ja1azzf wrote

I mean so is tiger bones and shark fins but that still doesn't make it right to produce lol


joausj t1_ja1bcu0 wrote

Oh yeah it's the Chinese equivalent of cyrstals and essential oils. Doesn't do shit, but also has the benefit of probably being sourced unethically (the donkey skin is probably the most ethically sourced, considering its a domesticated animal). You know shit like powered rhino horn, bear gallbladder... Basically the more endangered the animal is the harder it makes your dick.


SaltySwallows t1_ja2tdzg wrote

yeah and I guess they don't use domesticated Donkeys for slaughter they decimate wild Donkeys cause "fuck asses".


___zero__cool___ t1_ja3t1sf wrote

I realize you were going for the pun joke but aren’t donkeys sterile, meaning they couldn’t viably maintain a wild population?

Edit - I’m an idiot, mules are the result of a donkey/horse cross-species impregnation.


SaltySwallows t1_ja4pn6y wrote

I had to look it up too. Never realized they were wild fauna, learn something new everyday...if you try.


Chose_a_usersname t1_ja6gune wrote

China loves alternative medicine ... Wait till they find out about fish tank cleaner


shoomdio t1_ja7ics1 wrote

Donkey meat is delicious. They serve it up chopped with capsicum and onions in a crispy Focaccia style roll