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dano1066 t1_ja2neff wrote

Why? It's not like Helsinki have the power to end this war whenever they like


WhatsHeBuilding t1_ja2rjg5 wrote

Wild guess here but maybe they live there and felt it was too difficult to protest in Putins office?


dano1066 t1_ja343rc wrote

Ah, yes, Putin might hear word of the protest and call off the war so


WhatsHeBuilding t1_ja3dc0y wrote

You seem confused as to what a protest is so let me help you:

A protest (also called a demonstration, remonstration or remonstrance or a maree richo) is a public expression of objection, disapproval or dissent towards an idea or action, typically a political one.


dano1066 t1_ja3ju6w wrote

Thanks, that condescending response cleared it right up. Now that I know what a protest is, let me clarify. This is an absolutely pointless protest that will achieve nothing.


WhatsHeBuilding t1_ja3w00v wrote

Yeah I mean again, and really trying to not sound condescending here but the point of a protest isn't necessarily to achieve anything, it's about raising your voice and protesting something.


olympicbadger t1_ja3tfq7 wrote

> This is an absolutely pointless protest that will achieve nothing.

It will showcase the Finnish people's desire to continue supporting Ukraine against Russia, which directly contributes to the amount of political power the Finnish government has to send Ukraine more aid and defense materiel. It will without a doubt achieve something.

It's kind of like playing dumb and being a smug asshole towards people taking part in this protest. It won't cause Russia to immediately and magically win the war, but in a small way it actively contributes towards it by making fun of people opposing them.