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The_Only_AL t1_jdyxnze wrote

No, we can sustain life on the moon if there IS water there. That way we don’t have to transport it from Earth, which is crazy expensive. You can also break water into hydrogen to use as fuel.


Customer-Useful t1_jdyxuq3 wrote

That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm tired since I've been up till 7:18 AM, did I fuck up some wording?


The_Only_AL t1_jdyzjd4 wrote

Yeah you said if there’s NO water there it’s easier. No big deal.


Customer-Useful t1_je0usj2 wrote

Aight My Bad. Ty for the correction. I was wondering why everybody was correcting me when in my mind we were in agreement.


Customer-Useful t1_je0vi4n wrote

  • Is it because we can sustain life on the moon easier than if no water was there?

Am I wrong or doesn't this state that what you all agree with? "Easier than if no water was there" doesn't that mean I'm saying water makes it easier?