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soAsian t1_je1llir wrote

>20 years ago americans went into Iraq

and killed million+ people that did NOTHING to US. don't forget that part. it also rippled into ISIS, Syria, Afghan and turn the entire middle east into hell. million+ more people died as well but its brown people thus we don't care. that's rule of law


ZhouDa t1_je2kugg wrote

The civil war killed those people, which was roughly half a million give or take 100K or so. The Bush administration was still responsible because of their careless invasion, but it's more of a case of negligent homicide rather than murder. When the Iraq invasion happened it sparked one of the one of the biggest worldwide protests ever seen, except people didn't know that because it wasn't covered. But that was twenty years ago, there is little we can do about that now. Even if Bush and Cheney is brought to the Hague (which would be awesome if it did happen), it won't bring back any of the dead in Iraq or change the political situation there. What we can change is what is happening in Ukraine now, where Russia is actively murdering Ukrainians in the name of imperialism. Which is what this article is about before you derailed into US history as if it has any relevance.


DellowFelegate t1_je3fz07 wrote

LoL, you say that Russia is not accountable for its' own invasion because the West manipulated them, but America's responsible for downstream things like sectarian violence, al-Assad's actions, and ISIS starting up 11 years after the invasion. Which one of the two is it?