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FusRohBert t1_je3q40t wrote

There wasn't any destruction till the police shoot us dude


Tonyhillzone t1_je4xpoe wrote

Naturally violence shouldn't be used against any innocent person or group.

But honestly, if someone was setting fire to my car, home, or business, I'd use more than a little force and would be happy for the police to do the same.

Secondly, even if the police used excessive force against innocent protesters, that doesn't then give the protesters the right to go and destroy private property.

It wasn't the police burning cars, buildings or looting.

I support the protesters. I stop supporting individuals when they become thugs and dangerous criminals.


Drostan_S t1_je6zg37 wrote

Look I get it, you're a civilian. You don't have the heart to actualy take on the fight. You'd much rather go about your day without the interruption of the unwashed masses making a mess of the place because their ever decreasing quality of life is ignored.


Tonyhillzone t1_je77vv0 wrote

What exactly do you want people to do? Burn down the entire country to force the government to change their policy? Maybe kill a few people?

I'm pro-protesters. I'm just anti-vandals and thugs. Burning and looting isn't democracy, its thuggery.

And FYI, I've been arrested 4 times for being involved in protests, but I've never used violence or intimidation or engaged in wanton vandalism. I've also suceeded in helping to get a small change in Irish law in August 2008 by engaging with various politicians and putting forward a damn good argument based on facts and research. So I'm not afraid to actually do something.