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Deranged40 t1_je6aqsa wrote

I didn't read any doom & gloom in the headline. Instead, I got excited about this. The more pertinent line from the article for my instant reaction is:

>At times, the solar wind can generate aurora at higher latitudes on Earth

I live just a little bit too far south to consistently see Aurora Borealis, but far enough north that I can in the event of extraordinary solar storms such as this one. This article tells me that I should keep my eyes in the sky if there aren't any clouds the next couple nights.


bobzwik t1_je6plpa wrote

Shouldn't it say "at lower latitudes on Earth"?


Boschala t1_je6vr8s wrote

Depends on from what pole you're starting, I imagine.


bobzwik t1_je6zfw3 wrote

But both poles are at 90 degrees, with the equator at 0. Lower latitudes should mean nearer to the equator, no matter the hemisphere. Or am I missing something obvious?