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Happypappy007 t1_jdnfgz4 wrote

Netanyahu will burn down what’s left of democracy in Israel to keep himself out of jail and in power.



Infinaris t1_jdnrj6t wrote

That or someone decides to go and assasinate him as a last resort. He really is playing with fire.


HooDatOwl t1_jdo9xr7 wrote

That would be a nice full circle moment considering his full throated support, and some claim participation, in Rabin's assassination.


Infinaris t1_jdoimzc wrote

Wow the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper, My own thinking of it happening is him making himself legally unremovable from office (removing the peaceful option always leads to the more violent outcome) but if thats anyway true then we're well and truly entering Karmas a Bitch Territory here should it come to pass.


TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdor89e wrote

It is kind of true.

While of course Bibi did not organize Rabin's assassination himself in any way, he was running a very aggressive hate campaign against him at the time, which many claim has partial fault for the murder.

Some of the demonstrations he led even contained imagery of Rabin as a Nazi, and hanging ropes with a coffin with Rabin's name written on it (Bibi claims he magically did not notice this after the murder, despite photo evidence showing he was less than a meter away).

I cannot even begin to find the words that describe how vile this piece of shit is and how much hate he has caused in Israeli society.


HouseOfSteak t1_jdovs4y wrote

>removing the peaceful option always leads to the more violent outcome)

The more violent option, not outcome.


The big two popular examples: Stalin was in power until he died of natural causes. Hitler only died when the Soviets came a'knocking - not by his own angry revolutionaries or ambitious flunkies.


DelicateMarshmellow t1_jdoafkn wrote

That’s what I was thinking lately. It feels like what happened before Rabins murder.


ripvannwinkler t1_jdp1isc wrote

The man was ousted and found his way back into power. Now he's circumventing the balances of that power. Remind you of any upcoming races in the U.S.?


Happypappy007 t1_jdp1rwu wrote

If Trump gets back into power, the world is fucked.


ripvannwinkler t1_jdp23sq wrote

I agree, but never underestimate the apathy of the American public. Even some hardcore anti-trumpers I know are too lazy to vote. They just want to piss and moan the problems away.