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GreedySenpai t1_jdyu556 wrote

I would like to know where you have your information from. I live as refugee in Germany, i know a dutzend other refugees here and they all work or, in case of Ukrainian refugees, look for work. Its difficult to find work for them, because many degrees are not accepted and advanced german-language skills are required to get hired. They are simply refused when they apply.

Also I rarely met refugees who think that live of state walfare is a good plan - they became depressed and left Germany, because they underestimated the efforts and overestimated the benefits wildly.

I mostly see people talking about "lazy refugees who live of state walfare" who are pretty previleged themselves, who and can not imagine the amount of paperwork and self-degradation involved, or the laughable low benefits one would get. Don't just listen to clickbait media, go outside and get in touch with people. Reality is more complicated than any media trend.