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The_Humble_Frank t1_jeaggac wrote

Adding one to anything, does not make it less. the average global temperature heating at a lesser rate, does not mean warming goes away, it means its still getting warmer, just not as fast as it would at a higher rate.

I have actually worked with climate scientists, there is no accepted scenario, given technology that actually exists, where things get cooler.


_Svankensen_ t1_jeahaia wrote

We hit +1°C in 2017. We are above that already. So, yes, going back to +1°C would indeed be reversing it a bit. And you got shared a scenario already. "I have worked with climate scientists" is the most pathetic appeal to authority I have seen. I am an environmental scientist. It doesn't give me authority to override facts or to make shit up.


The_Humble_Frank t1_jeana4k wrote

And I'm going to trust the climate scientists I've worked with over someone claiming to be one on the internet.


_Svankensen_ t1_jeapsqb wrote

Whut? I didn't say I was a climate scientist man. Those most likely studied physics. I said I am an environmental scientist. And as I said, I'm not asking you to trust me. What the other guy said is true.

>scenarios with very low and low GHG emissions and CO2 emissions declining to net zero around or after 2050, followed by varying levels of net negative CO2 emissions23 (SSP1-1.9 and SSP1-2.6), as illustrated in Figure SPM.4.

As we all know, that is very unlikely. But hey, it's conceivable. Anyway, become an environmental activist. Don't give up. There's good reasons to fight.