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appsnaple t1_je5iwq3 wrote

> If so many people are saying the same thing you should open to the possibility that the idea has merit.

If it's only coming from one group, it means it's propaganda. The "so many people" just means CCP apologist who consumer Chinese state media as their main source.

> The CCP clearly fears mass media

Yes, all dictatorships and one party systems fear truth so they control news and information.

>History is full of examples of powerful people manipulating the masses with simple messages to a devastating result.

Yes, just look at Communist China!! Or Nazi Germany. Or Russia today and USSR in the past!

>This happens not only against communism (which had been under attack by powerful people for decades before the creation of the CCP btw)

I thought you would be smart enough on the topic to know that USSR also did the same. The first communist country.

Simply amazes me the lies and misleading statements someone will keep making.

>I'm not sure why it's so hard to accept I don't have one prefered source of media, I mostly read whatever I see on Reddit

Confirmed, your main sources are just the CCP media or any news that you want to cherry pick in favor of China. This is a common tactic by all the people like you -- not just CCP apologist but communist, alt-right, etc and those that have been brainwashed such as in Russia, China, North Korea, etc.

Again, it's exactly what all of you do. You won't ever acknowledge the sources you trust most because you understand that people will know you use questionable sources. Or worse, you name an actual valid and reasonable source, the other person will just point you to many stories in that source that will prove you wrong and you will have to accept those facts or admit you lied.

>I don't think your distrust of independent journalists is warranted.

I don't have distrust on all of them. Some are good. But it's clear when someone is acting like you are that you are very likely using terrible indepdent journalist that have an extreme bias for your side.

>There are thousands upon thousands of people reporting on the positive and negative aspects of everyday life in China. Just go on YouTube and search around for videos of life in China, it's clear that there is no cohesive narrative being driven

Youtube isn't allowed in China. So what they are posting has to have at least the indirect approval of the CCP or else they will get in trouble. Brainwashed people like those under China's firewall might think the reason they can't find any youtuber inside of China posting negative things is because there are no negatives things in China. Everyone else knows that it's because their is direct and indirect censorship. Post positive videos, stay safe. Post negative videos, risk being punished. Post a negative video about hot topic issues like the Uyghur genocide, get sent to prison.