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SovietMacguyver t1_je1a4c5 wrote

Kiwi here, wish we would drop the stupid non nuclear stance. I agree that nuclear weapons are bad, but they arent going away.

We get no benefit from this stance except to take the moral high ground, to the detriment of our alliances.

Better to be able to use nuclear power if we so choose, especially in the face of fighting climate change.


petesterama t1_je1vhw3 wrote

We can use nuclear power... Land based reactors are not banned. There were even proposals once upon a time for some nuclear plants somewhere around Auckland, and we had a research reactor in Christchurch I believe.


AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_je31nb9 wrote

We don't need nuclear energy to get to 100% renewable. Geothermal investment in the TVZ would eliminate our need to fossil power


autotldr t1_jdziugs wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot)

> New Zealand's government has confirmed it is discussing joining the non-nuclear part of the Aukus alliance founded by Australia, the UK and US. "We have been offered the opportunity to talk about whether we could or wish to participate in that pillar two aspect of it," said Andrew Little, the New Zealand defence minister.

> Last week, the New Zealand opposition foreign affairs spokesperson, Gerry Brownlee, raised his own concerns about whether Aukus might make it harder for Anzac forces to operate together.

> The former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark has said it is not in New Zealand's interests to be associated with Aukus.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: New^#1 Zealand^#2 Aukus^#3 concern^#4 Australia^#5


JustSomeBloke5353 t1_je47wgn wrote

NZ’s involvement in a defence pact with the U.S. is a bit of a waste of time to be honest. They aren’t committed to the alliance as a nation or a population.

NZ seems to want to live under the U.S. nuclear umbrella while morally objecting to it.


piganoj648 t1_jdzkjx3 wrote

Whats the point if no us uk of aus nuclear boats can go into their waters? Lmaooo


lordderplythethird t1_je00dn1 wrote

... AUKUS is far more than just nuclear submarines...

  • Quantum cryptography

  • Loyal wingman UAVs

  • Hypersonic missiles

  • Missile defense

  • AI

It's an entire military R&D joint pact for all cutting edge weapon systems... Painting it as purely about nuclear submarines is not only wrong, it shows not even an elementary level understanding as to what it is...