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Blackthorne75 t1_je2kh0u wrote

... huh?

Last I checked, America wasn't across-country killing girls and preventing their education.

Your Reddit handle is quite on-point here :)


YouLostMeHere t1_je2kmev wrote

Not openly state sponsored at least.


Blackthorne75 t1_je2lyhx wrote

I see.

Also, here - I think you dropped this ~picks up tinfoil hat from the ground~


cinemachick t1_je2lcp3 wrote

An avalanche starts as a snowball, you don't see the enormity until it's rolled down the hill


Blackthorne75 t1_je2s8ub wrote

Aaaaaagain - Afghanistan isn't America, and vice versa


only5pence t1_je5gxn9 wrote

Look, I hate whataboutism but they didn’t say that the situations are the same. Who the f would argue that? Looking at America’s policies, enforced ignorance and terror against the population are quite accurately on display. It’s just a matter of degree.

I can list rationale for both but I get the sense that it’d be wasted effort based on your engagement with this person.


Blackthorne75 t1_je6ykol wrote

One of the answers was that I received seemed to imply that there was a secret US Government conspiracy to kill off girls and prevent them from learning in any shape or capacity, which is the reason for my snark-ridden replies here.

I certainly consider myself to be open to logical dialogue here. I would be interested to discuss findings or observations.