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partysnooper t1_jedptoz wrote

Damn that was a full lecture. Thank you for your time for the explanation.

>I can remember a person was quantified or computed by using a unit of rice that equated to a handful.

I guess China plays Shogun Total War real life.

It actually makes sense why they want so much dollars if their currency is bogus one.

There were also rumors at the start of war Russia sold dollars for yuan to China, but after a couple of months wanted to trade the yuan back for dollars, but China didn't want them. So this makes more sense now as well.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jedqx4y wrote

Funny you mention a game I have never heard of but is war and you say china plays real life.

My first huge company I worked for was a Chinese tech company in USA. I was fairly young 20s and a lot ignorant to life or lacked wisdom really.

My Chinese National boss who jeez I miss and couldn’t believe he smoked 😳🤣 anyways.

After one long night and he shouldn’t have been at work that late but obviously something was going wrong and had been in meetings half the evening.

Because of Philips intensity that night I never ever have forgotten what he said to me that night.

  1. silence is golden- I gathered from the Chinese translation of his analogy he gave.

2)to the Chinese he said business IS war.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jedqf2f wrote

Ohh dang so now you are letting me know how Russia stayed afloat. America thought Russias currency was going to fall sooner than it did. And really even if no one outside is trading your own money, your money can still have value within your own system.

I thought China was brilliant in at least computing as part of their systems based on or with having a persons rations allocated.

I’m not saying it right. But basically china if it can’t pay you in money, it has a system in place that would allocate you the bare minimum to exist in rice rations.

I was intrigued and wanted to watch simply because of the thought processes involved.


partysnooper t1_jedqnyz wrote

> Ohh dang so now you are letting me know how Russia stayed afloat. America thought Russias currency was going to fall sooner than it did. And really of no one is trading your own money, your money can still have value within your own system.

Yeah the currency can't go down when no trade is happening, they wanted to supplement trade with EU and USA with China, but China is not that willing. They also trade oil through a shadow fleet of vessels, but it far less profitable than normal, they are slowly sinking.


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jedrho2 wrote

Oil, that was another one. I remember ages ago when no one was supposed to be selling oil to nkorea low and behold here’s russia vessels offloading oil to nkorea 🤷🏻‍♀️ and not that long ago it was China vessels pulled up to nkorea while Russian trains were to and fro. And nobody knows nothing 😳🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

Kim and Xi are the friends from long ago. Russia has always been willing probably for what they have endured since ussr has made some friends along the way too. Those three have been very interesting to watch as this tells the story of time.


partysnooper t1_jeds80q wrote

Kim is useful for Xi, as China does not want a direct border with a country hosting a US military base aka South Korea


Ancient_Artichoke555 t1_jedvjd9 wrote

You can’t tell Kim is the trigger, Russia I feel was influenced to go ahead so China could watch what strategies were going to be utilized by nato and perhaps is depleting resources to a point in which they can make a move.

For some time now, and I was shocked at the joes first hosting of all nations in alaska and how xi replied in that very first round two years ohh three years ago now said a bunch.

And yet China has been sprinkling the globe with theirs. I mean the islands alone that have been built up on the chinas east coast and southerly towards australia have been in the works for some time. China and Russia have been keeping the ice broken up above Russia for some reasons besides saving gas bring goods to the world.

It is very interesting times we live I can say that much.