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dogsent t1_iugpysm wrote

Bridge collapsed in India a few days after opening. Oops! At least 130 dead. Fingers pointing all around. Did the engineers have a maximum capacity? Was that ignored?


Shiplord13 t1_iugqyri wrote

Could be a capacity issue, could be laxed construction standards, or could even be corruption where supplies used for it were not bought and money was pocketed. The point is someone will have to answer for this and it was in no way just some random accident and was clearly negligence or possibly willful disregard for safety at the very least.


[deleted] t1_iuhduce wrote

All of the above most likely. It’s 140 year old bridge so even with qualified maintenance which it doesn’t look like they had I don’t think the people should be out there doing that and there should be a weight allowance respected and enforced.


tekina7 t1_iuh257q wrote

Just for clarification, was a ~100 year old bridge that was recently re-opened after repairs.

To me, stinks of corruption, where government officials and MPs/MLAs would pocket up to ~50% of the tender amount in various bribes, leaving only the rest for the actual construction and margin for the construction company.


slipnips t1_iuh43j6 wrote

While this corruption almost certainly did happen, it's also likely that the bridge was way overloaded due to poor crowd management


[deleted] t1_iuhdqz5 wrote

In service for about 140 years and it had been closed for 7 months for repairs. it has been reopened for 4 days before it failed. They hired a clock company or something to do the repairs and even in the best scenario of xompetent repair I'm not sure the people should have been out there pushing the Bridge to it's limit. It's just an old bridge they've repair several times over the year, including major damage in a 2001 earthquake.

Most of this data is available in the article you didn't read, But I also looked up a few more details because you know Google is easy if you use it.


stickylava t1_iuh4uca wrote

Apparently they put a clock company in charge of that.


[deleted] t1_iugtkvt wrote



screwracism147 t1_iugy72a wrote

Over a hundred people died. Regardless of your thoughts on the government, could we not be callous?

Also, no country, superpower or not, is immune to disasters like these


techaddict0099 OP t1_iugwg4v wrote

CCTV Footage of the Bridge being collapsed:

Death Toll crosses 140+

Pointers: Bridge is 100+ years old bt was renovated and opeend 3 days back.

Had capacity of 100 people bt more than 500 people were there on the bridge.

Most probably there was no proper crowd management at the site.

Edit: News channel also posting the cctv video proof that this is of the same bridge nt some other.


H-Man132 t1_iuh2z07 wrote

How did that fall kill anyone that doesn't look too high, I assume old people?


madmangohan t1_iuhfcsm wrote

From what I read, they drowned. Supposedly most Indians don't know how to swim.


SuckerforDkhumor t1_iuhjzvm wrote

55 out of 100 throughout world do not know how to swim


youngbukk t1_iuhzl6a wrote

Where did you hear that. No way that can be true! It’s like walking or biking


A1sauc3d t1_iuh43zz wrote

Where are you getting 500 people on the bridge? Per your linked article there was only 150 on it when it collapsed.


kolembo t1_iugxvug wrote

It's this the same bridge?


acqz t1_iugqs88 wrote

> The century-old suspension bridge [...] had re-opened just four days ago, after being closed for about seven months for repair work.

> the bridge collapsed as too many people in the mid-section of the bridge were trying to sway it from one way to the other.

Sounds like this was due to people being idiots, but that may be just a cover story.


A1sauc3d t1_iugsyia wrote

Yeah that’s what the spokes person for the group in charge of its maintenance said. Definitely just sounds like preliminary pr bs to pass off the blame which ultimately falls on their shoulders.

No bridge should be so fragile that a few to many people in any one spot causes the whole thing to come down.


H-Man132 t1_iuh318v wrote

There were 400 more people then the recommended Idk that isn't a few imo

No hate just saying


A1sauc3d t1_iuh3b2b wrote

There were only 150 people on the bridge total when it collapsed, per the linked article. So idk where you’re getting 400 more than recommended from.


H-Man132 t1_iuh3qxz wrote

Op posted CCTV footage and says 150people capacity but 500 were on it I guess misunderstood something


A1sauc3d t1_iuh3vft wrote

Yeah I think the OP is wrong. Even just by looking at the cctv 500 seems way too high. Obviously could be an illusion due to the angle, but even in that clip it’s not like there isn’t empty space, and to fit 500 people on there they would have to be right on top of each other.

I bet it was more like recommended capacity was 100 and they had 150 on there. But that’s definitely a failure on the bridges end. People aren’t counting heads as they’re checking out this tourist attraction. Something like this shouldn’t have been possible from just a handful of extra people who got a little roust.


Pm-mepetpics t1_iugxix9 wrote


A1sauc3d t1_iuh2prx wrote

Yeah, that definitely should not have been able to take down the whole bridge. Someone’s got some splainin to do.

Good find tho! Thanks for sharing it.


Pm-mepetpics t1_iuh397a wrote

No problem and can’t take the credit it was someone else in this thread as well and they mentioned the bridge was only supposed to carry 100 people and 500 were on it, I can’t verify their claims but they’re on this thread if you want to ask them for sources.

Edit: fixed my horrible grammar


A1sauc3d t1_iuh3e0b wrote

The linked article says “Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi, who rushed to Morbi, said about 150 people were on the bridge at the time of the accident.”, so idk where this 500 number is coming from.


WeRobot t1_iugxltn wrote

A 4 year old video is being circulated to distract people.


No_Cow1 t1_iugmuz3 wrote

Heartfelt condolences to the families who've lost their loved ones. Shame on governments part for being so irresponsible.


screwracism147 t1_iugyplr wrote

Comment section for Itaewon crowd crush:

“My thoughts and prayers to the victims” “My condolences” “This is so sad” “Rest in peace to all the victims”

Comment section for this:

“Whose fault is it?” “It’s the engineers’ fault!” “It’s the peoples’ fault; they were shaking the bridge!” “It’s the government’s fault!”

And don’t even get me started on the disparity in upvotes


kittypryde123 t1_iuh2m89 wrote

oh you should've read the Korean netizen comments... (in Korean, not on reddit)


screwracism147 t1_iuh2qid wrote

Oh what did they say?


kittypryde123 t1_iuh35u4 wrote

blaming everyone they can: candy drugs, "celebrity" culture, western culture, aggressive men, foreigners, the police, the city, the president, bar and restaurant owners, etc

a korean friend's mom here in the US said she heard it was all caused by drugs that looked like candy.

oh and then attempting to dox who they can blame and review bombing restaurants and bars nearby


xDontStarve t1_iuh59v1 wrote

Were they trapped inside the net which made them asphyxiate or they just didn't know how to swim? BC 140 people is a big number


techaddict0099 OP t1_iuh5uk0 wrote

both some also fell below bridge and bridge parts fell on them


Zealousideal_Total79 t1_iuh5tuq wrote

I would wager it's the latter. Not many people here know to swim by default (I presume) . Also we don't know what might be under the water, like stones etc that you crash into with so much pressure.


Fleironymus t1_iugzcew wrote

India get your shit together.


[deleted] t1_iuhatyo wrote

Some things to keep in mind is that this is 143 year old suspension bridge. It’s been through at least one severe earthquake and The company they hired to repair it probably wasn’t qualified, But I kind of doubt at any point the bridge is lifespan that you were supposed to have that many people out there rocking it and like testing it’s integrity with their lives also.

> While the bridge is owned by the Morbi municipality, the civic body had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Oreva Group, a private firm known for manufacturing clocks, earlier this year, handing over its operations and maintenance for 15 years.