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A1sauc3d t1_iuh2prx wrote

Yeah, that definitely should not have been able to take down the whole bridge. Someone’s got some splainin to do.

Good find tho! Thanks for sharing it.


Pm-mepetpics t1_iuh397a wrote

No problem and can’t take the credit it was someone else in this thread as well and they mentioned the bridge was only supposed to carry 100 people and 500 were on it, I can’t verify their claims but they’re on this thread if you want to ask them for sources.

Edit: fixed my horrible grammar


A1sauc3d t1_iuh3e0b wrote

The linked article says “Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi, who rushed to Morbi, said about 150 people were on the bridge at the time of the accident.”, so idk where this 500 number is coming from.