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Arkane-Light t1_iuhvkab wrote

Moldova is not in NATO yet and Russia has been threatening the country for a while now.

The missile debris comes from a russian rocket which was shot down and fell on the northern part of the village of Naslavcea, located near the border with Ukraine.

But it is always positive to see countries openly calling out and condemning the Russian Terrorist Regime for their barbaric war.


Lyudmila112 t1_iuhyiug wrote

"Threatening" is an understatement. They have been at war with Moldova since feb 24, as revealed by leaked invasion plans. They just never reached Moldovan territory, lol.


throwaway577653 t1_iui62yi wrote

Way earlier than february. Moscovia invaded Moldova back in 1992, creating the OG pEOpLe's rEPubLiC - Transnistria. They are still militarily occupying that territory. The "russian" "federation" was a few months old at that time.

> They just never reached Moldovan territory, lol.

Слава Україні


Positronium2 t1_iujbve3 wrote

Oh not even the OG people's republic, Stalin was playing at that game too with Finland during the Winter War.


MouldyCumSoakedSocks t1_iukatfb wrote

I'm still depressed how my hometown was treated by this, the area was never used for anything, i don't even think people live there anymore, and there wasn't any rebuilding, just rotting old huts and farms. My hometown would've probably been better off keeping the area but eh, decisions made by already senile men in the 1940s ruined that, eh


blorpianblorp t1_iuircap wrote

Moldova should just reintegrate with Romania. The whole region was split from Romania by the USSR and they would be a member of EU by going back. Not only that but it would be a nice big FU if they rejoined Romania and dropped any and all Russian language from their schools, govt etc...since it was forced onto them by USSR in the first place.


Substantial-East5781 t1_iuis0zx wrote

As a citizen from Moldova, who has been living here for 22 years. Honestly, unfortunately, it won't happen in the near future


dcorey688 t1_iuit85c wrote

what would you say is the average Moldovan sentiment towards Russia currently?


Substantial-East5781 t1_iuj8qtm wrote

in the country there is a very large population of Russians who are pro-Russian, also the autonomous region of Gagauza( Turkish ethnic people) in the south is also pro-Russia. the Moldovans/Romanians are divided ,but the majority (perhaps 65-70%) are for union

From what I have observed, there is not a very big difference between age or rural/urban

( I don't have statistics, just what I notice around me)


Successful-Grape416 t1_iuiwbtj wrote

I'm not the person you're asking, but there is clearly a substantial group of Moldovans who consider Moldova a separate country and have no interest in changing that. Frankly it will never happen, nor should anyone push for it. Let them have their own identity and government.


blorpianblorp t1_iuiyv8t wrote

The vote for fully supporting of a Reunification as of 2021 on most surveys was almost split evenly.

The narrative that Moldovans shouldn't reunify is strongly pushed by Russia more so today than ever. And remember those surveys which were 40-50% in FAVOR were done in 2021 before Russia invaded Ukraine...I reckon that number is only going up if you took the same survey today. Unless of course the population has swallowed the Russian propaganda...which I doubt as that country has proven itself to be weak and resorts to civilian punishment when losing.


Successful-Grape416 t1_iuj6xnj wrote

I find it surprising you would seriously try to argue that a country that is split, or even close to split, should endure some kind of push for reunification. After everything we've seen with this sort of situation, you actually want to go that route.

My family is from there, I'd love for that dysfunctional country to fix itself and join Europe, but my god is it a stupid idea to force their hand and pretend like it's part of Romania again. Just because they mostly speak Romanian.


SardScroll t1_iujcw8t wrote

Over fragmentation is not a desired outcome either.

Some people are very invested in their culture, family history, ethnic or national roots, etc. And others, like me, couldn't care less.

The question is, what is gained by joining by a specific political organization (be that a nation state, supernational governing body such as the EU, a mutual protection pact such as NATO, etc.) and what it costs, and make the decision based on that.


Sketti_n_butter t1_iujhqd1 wrote

If they don't want to become part of Russia again, they need to reunite with Romania. They need to think about their long term political and economic future. Lukashenko already revealed that Russia has eyes on Moldova. If they don't take a stance now while there is peace, Romania might not be interested in Moldova being apart of their country if that means they have to go to war with Russia for it.


-wnr- t1_iujfitl wrote

What happens to Transnistria in that scenario?


[deleted] t1_iuhy16r wrote



Sinky2086 t1_iui12i0 wrote

Article 6 limits invoking Article 5 to Eruope, North America, Turkey, Algeria (under French control), or on island in the Atlantic North of the Tropic of Cancer line. The Falkland Islands as well South of that line so England could not invoke Article 5 in response to Argentina's invasion.

This didn't stop many NATO allies from offering help ranging from small arms ammunition all the way to the US offering an aircraft carrier.


aequitssaint t1_iui1i1r wrote

Huh, I never knew about that. That's really interesting that it is geographically specific in that regard.


NoNefariousness1652 t1_iui767m wrote

It's been specified due to members not wanting to get into colonial wars, I believe.

Here's a fun fact: it technically excludes Hawaii as well


KGAMES22 t1_iuhyhj5 wrote

Thats bcause the UK whooped Argentina in their own without help


John_Tacos t1_iui0t3s wrote

The NATO treaty does not cover the part of the world that the Falklands is in. It also doesn’t cover Hawaii.


Thor010 t1_iui0vmr wrote

Being neutral in Russian Logic means that you can be attacked by anyone...


ScrabCrab t1_iuk4u36 wrote

To be fair that's kinda what it means in general, the only reason it's working for Switzerland it's cause everyone keeps their money there and they're very well defended


zenivinez t1_iuif7w0 wrote

whats going on with transistria these days?


NorthernlightBBQ t1_iuispyq wrote

Safest place to be a Russian soldier


Mephzice t1_iujgota wrote

until they mess up and go to war with NATO, quickly dead after that


addiktion t1_iujnt27 wrote

Some of us are just a few meals away from our last breath.


ScrabCrab t1_iuk4y0w wrote

Hopefully that never happens though, as much as I love Fallout New Vegas I don't wanna live in a nuclear wasteland


Bigman61 t1_iuilh3i wrote

"This is not fair to blame on Russia, if Ukraine hadn't shot our missile down it wouldn't have hit you. This is evil Ukraines fault. Hail Putler." - Totally Official Russian Statement


lol_treez t1_iuih02n wrote

Now Moldova just needs to apply for NATO and Putins panties will be all twisted up! Atomic Wedgie if they join before Turkey vetoes…


thuglifeforlife t1_iuj3ddz wrote

NATO isn't just giving out memberships to every country that wants it. NATO membership isn't meant to be just a one sided protection either with NATO allied countries providing defense for Moldova. Moldova doesn't have the capabilities of defending themselves or other countries. It's too poor of a country in itself to support NATO.


ScrabCrab t1_iuk5445 wrote

Luckily for Moldova, it doesn't really have to join since it's sandwiched between a NATO country and a NATO applicant which is currently kicking Russia's ass


thuglifeforlife t1_iuk9lk5 wrote

Ukraine will probably join NATO only after the war ends and the country's at peace. That's only if NATO accepts Ukraine. If Moldova's so lucky, a missile wouldn't have landed in their country's village today.


WilfriedOnion t1_iujpc89 wrote

Fun fact : Moldova can't join NATO. Their constitution states neutrality and forbids any foreign military presence.

They would have to change their constitution before they can apply.


azeldatothepast3 t1_iuikkqs wrote

There is a part of Moldova that is Russian, so that will never happen. The rest of Moldova is Romanian, who I would be wouldn’t be opposed to joining Romania or the EU.


Splatter_1 t1_iuiop5g wrote

Apparently the only requirement to join nato is unanimous yes votes. Not conflicted territory.


fallought t1_iuipz7j wrote

This is not true NATO clearly states territorial conflicts must be settled first. This is the reason Macedonia changed their name to north Macedonia due to conflicts with greece


Ornolfr t1_iuj4ylj wrote

Your example has nothing to do with territorial conflicts. Greece just told them to change country name if they wanted “yes” vote from them.


fallought t1_iujdb5p wrote

Because the north region of Greece is named Macedonia. And is ethnically Macedonian. They needed to name changed to be clear they would never dispute that territory


Kneepi t1_iujig7b wrote

No, Greece would not allow them in unless they changed the name


camxct t1_iujj08p wrote

That... That's what they said...


DecreasingPerception t1_iujo0c7 wrote

They said it was a territorial dispute which isn't true. Nobody claimed North Macedonia belonged to anyone but North Macedonia. They couldn't join because they wouldn't get a unanimous 'yes' vote. Greece would always vote no until they changed their name.

Having part of your territory occupied would be quite different. Either a nation would have to give up any claim to that territory, or get the occupier to give it up. That's why Moldova is a bit stuck. They don't want to fight Russia, but they don't want to give up that land forever.

That being said, I don't think the rule is a strict one. The only hard requirement is for the other NATO nations to unanimously accept a candidate, so the territorial dispute requirement could be ignored if they so choose.


fallought t1_iuk8r5g wrote

You are missing the point. No one said that north Macedonia had disputed territory. Civilians and nationalist fringe politicians were claiming Macedonia should encompass a part of Greece's northern region which is also named Macedonia. That is why they demanded the name change to repudiate and land claims


DecreasingPerception t1_iuk9tdi wrote

> NATO clearly states territorial conflicts must be settled first. This is the reason Macedonia changed their name to north Macedonia due to conflicts with greece

   - /u/fallought

What did you mean then? It certainly sounded like you meant Macedonia was in violation of the 'no territorial disputes' rule. It wasn't, it's just that Greece wouldn't support its admission due to the name.

Edit: To be clear, it's the positions of the states that matter, not opinions of citizens or fringe politicians.


murphymc t1_iujo9wx wrote

That's not actually a rule, as in its not explicitly in the treaty. Its a logical choice made by the various members, but it is not a literal requirement. The only literal requirement is a unanimous 'yes' vote from all treaty members.


Successful-Grape416 t1_iuiz7m7 wrote

There is no way that's true. NATO deliberates plenty on countries with no internal disputes, adding disputed territory to that mix would never fly.


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hibernating-hobo t1_iujdg87 wrote

If Moldovia sends it’s army into ukraine to assist against russia, then russia gets relegated to being the third strongest military in the conflict.


ScrabCrab t1_iuk5bwf wrote

As far as the memes go sure, but trust me, Moldova would not be able to stand up militarily to Russia. Romania wouldn't be able to, and the situation over here is much better than in Moldova from pretty much every point of view


Infinite-Outcome-591 t1_iujvsgn wrote

Moldova would be stronger if it reunited with Romania. Just saying. The Kremlin likes it when countries are fragmented. Easier to conquer!


Abyssallord t1_iuii71t wrote

"Ukraine is at fault for this for destroying our humanitarian aide rockets." -Russia probably


Kierik t1_iuj3rck wrote

"Ukraine is at fault for this for destroying our Lavrov Cocktails!" -Russia probably


OneRingToRuleEarth t1_iujhqzb wrote

“I didn’t care that you were trying to beat the shit out of that guy but then some blood got on my shoe”


cheesified t1_iuje96e wrote

Russian scum bombing other countries. Typical


fragdemented t1_iuk0xyr wrote

This headline sounds like the equivalent to someone sitting at a table next to you getting stabbed, and because some blood got on your napkin, you look at the stabber and say "Well aren't you being rude!?"


Ninpo t1_iukblc8 wrote

A piece of knife broke off


Heavy-Birthday-4972 t1_iuji1ye wrote

Never mess with Moldova, they will, wait, what’s a Moldova, and is it sold in the US.
