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Legitimate-Cow-6859 t1_iujmuak wrote

Yeah people who keep saying that don’t understand the deep flaws with the US mission in Afghanistan


HotpieTargaryen t1_iujngoa wrote

Afghanistan was going to be a nightmare to withdraw from regardless, but Trump’s surrender killed so many troops and allies that the legacy of Afghanistan will be devastating.


Legitimate-Cow-6859 t1_iujnx4t wrote

That’s certainly part of it, but I don’t see a way out that was any less messy. It’s either we prolong the occupation with no real end goal or we cut out of there. Unfortunately the real losers in each situation were the people of Afghanistan who’ve now seen 30+ years of war and instability


HotpieTargaryen t1_iujohj8 wrote

Nah, but a much slower, controlled drawdown without an artificial and impossible timeline would have been much safer.