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xELxSCORCHOx t1_iu24p9f wrote

In a sense it is true. The values of the West would like for everyone to have the fundamental freedoms like a free society, choices on how to live their life, individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Pewtin and fellow autocrats think that they should have absolute power and decide who gets what, when and how. It kind of is about different philosophies having dominion.


DeeHawk t1_iu3ecbr wrote

Exactly. It's what Russia refers to as "satanism". How else are you going to make individual liberty sound like something you don't want.


Avakayi t1_iu3m5tm wrote

I'm pretty sure British and French colonizers were saying same BS stuff that you are saying here.


xELxSCORCHOx t1_iu4gh5t wrote

Is it apples to apples at a time when colonizers are wildly unpopular? Russia trying to colonize Ukraine…and England/France basically saying that action is evil.


Avakayi t1_iu4hdzh wrote

I'm talking about the justification you are giving to west's world domination about how they are doing it for World peace or better standards of life. Not everything that West tried to help by domination even in recent times is heaven on earth best example is the Middle East and places like Afghanistan and Vietnam. Colonizers are widely unpopular? They are always unpopular depending on whose side of history you are looking at.