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Latter_Fortune_7225 t1_iu3jkal wrote

Let's hope we never have to find out.


Own_Leadership7339 t1_iu3jmth wrote

Yeah. Hopefully we never do. Just curious if it's all bark no bite


LooseWheelNut003 t1_iu3vr3h wrote

I don't think it will be the same. i think they will have been stocking modern weapons for the last decade and would pose a much more serious threat


Anson192 t1_iu3km7r wrote

Hard to say about the training part, as no one would've thought Russia is this bad either but equipment-wise China should be much better. Their industrial might could help them churn out equipment if needed. But the nature of the conflict, if any, would likely be much anyways. For one, it would likely be a naval battle for the most part as most of the tension rn is with Taiwan. Two, It is very likely this much smaller island would succumb in the early hours and then they would be playing defense rather than offense for the most part.


Sentinels431 t1_iu83vq7 wrote

Putting the training aside I am curious how the Chinese command structure would fare in an actual war when compare to western command styles. Would it be better or worse when compared to the russian command structure.


Subli-minal t1_iu4hx5h wrote

Their factories wouldn’t survive the first hour of a war.


MonkeysJumpingBeds t1_iu4zwla wrote

Chinas? This is absolutely untrue, Just like in Europe or any other large nation, there are tens of thousands of factories. The US does not have infinite missiles, nor does anyone. Even if the US wanted to, without the aid of nuclear arms there is no way they could conventionally destroy every Chinese factory within hours.