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EDMlawyer t1_iuj5nya wrote

Canadian courts have a good balance I think. A shortlist is created by experts of qualified candidates, the elected officials appoint from that list. A judicial review committee exists to evaluate misconduct, and the Chief judge of each (lower) jurisdiction can decline renewals of appointments.

The lower level elected US judges is a bad idea IMO. The whole point of a judiciary is to not be beholden to any interest other than the law - be it public opinion, the party in power, what have you. It's a philosophical issue I have though.


Skeletore-full-power t1_iujfm9t wrote

> The lower level elected US judges is a bad idea IMO.

the idea is that their are 50 states each with their own laws and things. so electing judges that represent your states interest makes sense. in canada isn't there no distinction between criminal courts, it's all federal isn't it.


College_Prestige t1_iujgfjl wrote

Judges are harsher near election season. It's a terrible idea to have elections for judicial posts. 2 people committing identical crimes under the same legal environment shouldn't get different punishments


Skeletore-full-power t1_iuji2a4 wrote

that's more a prosecutor problem than a judge problem. a judge doesn't have to punish any crime if none come to their table.

look at those california prosecutors who just refuse to prosecute.