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Angeleno88 t1_iuduz9v wrote

People really need to stop talking about this delusional 1.5 degree target. Even if we cut all emissions today, there is a lag which keeps heating from those human-caused emissions. This ignores various natural effects as well. We will see 1.5 degrees within 20 years, perhaps years sooner, as we are seeing 0.18 degrees warming per decade since 1980 and it is likely that rate of increase will go even higher leading to more “faster than expected” phrasing as time goes on.

With that said, even 2 degrees is highly doubtful at this point even though it is still 3-4 decades away depending on actions taken going forward which are frighteningly absent right now. It isn’t a matter of preventing 2 degrees. That is going to happen. What we need to do is ensure we slow down the rate of increase as best we can because we can’t afford to see us hit 3 degrees by century’s end before we come up with and enact global solutions for sustainability. Humanity’s survival depends on that.