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mmmhmmhim t1_iu5vtwg wrote

"this is all Taiwans fault" lmfao


undeadermonkey t1_iu6bt4h wrote

He's not wrong, and you seem to be reading a motivation into his comment that didn't exist.

China's primary interest is in the propaganda win, they don't actually give a shit how things actually are - only how they appear.

De facto independence is one thing; having the Chinese populace witnessing blatent independence and an impotent response is something that the CCP cannot afford.


axusgrad t1_iu6gxfx wrote

China's action have been hurting their image for the last year, while Taiwan has not hurt its image. Xi is pretty bad at the image thing, kind of like Trump


undeadermonkey t1_iu6iq5i wrote

China's actions have been hurting their image for a very long time; we just didn't care because they make a bunch of cheap shitty goods.

They've been royally shitting the bed since the start of Covid though.


zenzukai t1_iu83tns wrote

But they can afford locking their residence into their apartments while corrupt CCP officials sell their emergency food rations on the black market?

Pretty sure the Chinese population is more concerned with food than Taiwan.


pittaxx t1_iu681q3 wrote

Not sure what you are trying to say.

This is definitely China responding to Taiwan's changed stance, but no-one is implying that Taiwan is doing anything wrong.


Spara-Extreme t1_iu7mnbz wrote

Your take is wrong but also blaming Taiwan for chinas view that Taiwan shouldn’t exist. That you don’t realize you’re tacitly agreeing with chinas position on Taiwan is a bit telling. Taiwan is an independent country, them claiming they are independent shouldn’t illicit any reaction at all.


pittaxx t1_iu8barn wrote

You are seeing what you want to see. I haven't implied any of those things.

I pointed out that this is China's reaction to Taiwan reasserting their independence. I never said that this reaction is normal, and I never said that Taiwan should stop doing what they are doing.

If anything, they should build stronger ties with the West and make their stance more clear, of they don't want to end up as Hong Kong.


Rainarrow t1_iu74i0p wrote

But Taiwan only changed stance in response to China trying to impose the “one county, two systems” thing on them, after them seeing how well it turned out for Hong Kong.


pittaxx t1_iu8brnc wrote

Not really, no. I'm sure Hong Kong's situation contributed to it, but they started slowly changing their stance even the situation in Hong Kong started escalating.

China is becoming more and more radical, and even without Hong Kong it was becoming obvious that you need to start taking more decisive steps to keep the crazies out of your backyard.


zenzukai t1_iu842wi wrote

You just stated "China was happy to leave Taiwan until it solved other more pressing issues", when it's more like "When Xi Xing Ping gained power he dismantled other factions of power in the CCP in order to change China's policies and priorities to his liking"


pittaxx t1_iu8c2b2 wrote

The keyword in that sentence was "until". Meaning that they would have come after Taiwan eventually anyway.

Also the post doesn't try to imply in any way that Winnie the Pooh is not a wannabe dictator, because he obviously is.