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Flatus_Diabolic t1_iu2cozs wrote

It's really not.

NATO, and the US in particular, will do everything they can to support Ukraine from afar and see Russia weakened as a result, but if it comes down to choosing between WW3 or abandoning Ukraine to Russia, nobody's going to pick WW3, which is exactly why Putin won't STFU with all the nuke threats.

He has only two ways out of this clusterfuck:

  • keep fighting a war of attrition and praying his economy holds out while he tries to manipulate public opinion through his troll farms and to interfere in overseas elections to get pro-Russian parties into power so that support Ukraine dwindles. ^*

  • make the Western world believe that you're willing to start WW3 and kill the entire planet, whilst hiding in a bunker and making sure nobody close to you thinks you're that crazy so that they don't assassinate you.

^* if you're American, please don't vote Trump in '24
