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DonDove t1_iu1q74o wrote

One time only 1% stood between staying or leaving

Edit: Why the f*** am I being downvoted it's true. Here you go.


Qlawen t1_iu26f3w wrote

Even if that 1% tipped in the other direction Quebec could still not separate. The Supreme Court of Canada reviewed and made a ruling on separation of the provinces in Canada. It is almost impossible for provinces to leave Canada. Keyword almost.


supershutze t1_iu1v7w0 wrote

The only time that vote ever came anywhere near close was the time the question was deliberately obfuscating to the point where people didn't understand what was being asked.

Every single time the question was presented in a way people could actually understand the answer has been a resounding NO.


Kevundoe t1_iu2csvw wrote

Yeah I remember 1995… all those confused people roaming the street… is Jean Chretien a separatist? What am I voting for?


ashtraygirl t1_iu6l8ug wrote

I remember that day well… ‘’my 13 year old teenage girl self wore a t-shirt on the day of the referendum that said: « what part of NO don’t you understand »


barriekansai t1_iu37ooj wrote

I was a child living on Île des Sœurs in Montreal during the 1980 referendum. I remember seeing as many Oui (Yes to separation) signs as Non (remain in Canada). My non-French-speaking parents were shitting themselves.