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Synchrotr0n t1_iu4l69h wrote

First of all, the bribing of congressmen in exchange for favorable vote for legislation is a form of corruption inherent of the Brazilian congress, not of the president itself. It wasn't invented by neither Lula or Bolsonaro, but both took part of it because if they didn't they could easily get impeached by the congress over "technicalities", which is exactly what happened with Dilma Rousseff who had a more hardline approach against corruption.

Having said that, the amount of money that Lula's government spent on this scheme pales in comparison to what Bolsonaro did by a order of magnitude, aside from the type of legislation that Bolsonaro bought from congress that only favored the economical elite in the country in detriment of the poor and the middle class.


GOD_oy t1_iu60buj wrote

thats pretty much how i see it, yes.

im not a supporter from any side, i just hate one more than the other.