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RTFops t1_iub63tn wrote

The whataboutism is a frail rebuttal. Just because you’re the biggest bully on the yard doesn’t make you morally just. America invaded a handful of countries with no pretence. They sunk USS Maine to start a war with Cuba.

Get of the high horse. I get it Reddit is a stronghold of left-leaning pseudo-intellectuals but you’re all cherry pick facts and put up horrible non-standing rebuttals.

How is this different from USA invading Iraq? Or Biden carpet bombing civilians for 70 days in a row in Czechoslovakia? Or the only nation to drop two nuclear bombs on civilian targets??


Suns_Funs t1_iucmc6x wrote

>How is this different from USA invading Iraq?

The invasions were not followed by people commenting what about Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? Funny how only one side feels the need to constantly flood the topics with "what about".