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WexfordHo t1_iugggea wrote

Times change, the Haqqani network was an ally against the Soviets, and then they turned to terrorism. Now they aren’t US funded, they’re Pakistani funded and led. Times change, but I suppose you just want to play a game of whataboutism for… reasons.


helix_ice t1_iugw4r0 wrote

The HN never changed their tactics, the only thing that changed is who backed them.

Their classification going from freedom fighters to terrorists is purely a political issue.


WexfordHo t1_iui73zl wrote

If you say so, but I think the difference between fighting off a foreign invader on your own land, and attacking civilians a world away really is pretty different. If you feel otherwise I’d love to hear how you think that is.


helix_ice t1_iuinap1 wrote

It's a matter of both political interests, and perception.

The first leads to the second. Let's say 9/11 occurred in China, and the Chinese invaded Afghanistan and occupied it for 20 years, would the west be sympathetic to China? Maybe in the beginning, but considering the increased tensions between the west anf China, I bet we could have seen US intelligence funding those same groups that the US itself fought against in Afghanistan.


WexfordHo t1_iuing1k wrote

The terrorism in question when talking about Afghanistan isn’t anything they did after the US invasion, it’s about harboring OBL and AQ.


MelaatsenVerplaatser t1_iuh5shv wrote

Do you believe your own propaganda?

"Then turned to terrorism" lmao.

Why did you think we funded them? To do terrorism against the soviets.

Edit: lol another coward replying with lies and then blocking so i cannot respond.



WexfordHo t1_iui70g3 wrote

The Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and the Afghanis fought them on their own land. You think that’s the same as harboring AQ and providing them a base to plan and launch attacks on the US and EU?


hardtobeuniqueuser t1_iuh9qyl wrote

> then they turned to terrorism

because what they were doing before totally wasn't terrorism, because the right* people were happy they did it


WexfordHo t1_iui6syn wrote

Do you really not understand the difference between attacking people invading your country, and harboring the people and training camps for those who would later reach out across continents and an ocean to attack another country that they weren’t at war with?

REALLY? That’s what you’re going for?


BandsAndCommas t1_iuhvdhu wrote

lol this comment is such bullshit, US didn’t care until their purpose was over


SympathyOver1244 t1_iugpgbn wrote

U.S have an old & boring tactic to throw its allies under the bus whenever it suits their agenda...

This is evident in the case of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia quite recently, and even Iraq + Saddam Hussein...
