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MonHedAna t1_iugo48d wrote

They have a long history of literally training terrorists.


Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_iuguihb wrote

so they're not terrorists then? they train them... if everyone who supported terrorists was also classified as a terrorist then you'd have to call the CIA and MI6 terrorists too for supporting the mujahideen in Afghanistan. it's too broad of a brush.


tabernumse t1_iuh233b wrote

Exactly. The U.S. literally trained Osama Bin Laden and basically created the taliban lol


Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_iuh3y3h wrote

i actually think you could make pretty solid cases for many intelligence agencies being terrorists, I just don't think that supporting terrorist groups is the reason why


EqualContact t1_iui6723 wrote

The US never trained OBL, and the Taliban didn’t exist until the US stopped funding the mujahideen. Some future members of the Taliban received support from Pakistani ISI through US assistance, but the US did not directly fund anyone in Afghanistan during that period.


MonHedAna t1_iujqaqk wrote

The US never trained Osama and other groups to target and kill civilians. The goal was to kill the Soviets, who were invading Afghanistan at the time. If you don’t see, that is different than Hamas, and Hezbollah killing civilians on purpose for political goals then you are being intentionally dishonest.


MonHedAna t1_iujq0kf wrote

If you fund & train groups on how to attack and kill civilians to achieve a political goal then yeah they are. Iran guards do that with both Hamas and Hezbulla.

There is obviously a difference between supporting a side in the Civil War and training groups to attack civilians on purpose. It’s fucking ludicrous you pretend those are the same. Fuck these people and anyone who targets civilians for political purpose like Hamas and Hezbollah.


helix_ice t1_iugwcbp wrote

So do most of the world powers, including the US.

Do I think IRGC is a terrorist group? They certainly commit terroristic actions. Should they be labeled as such? Depends on the consequences.

Labeling an entire section of a governmental organization as a terrorist group is extremely problematic.

Throwing around the terrorist label in this way can and will have unintended consequences.


DonDove t1_iuhhurd wrote

Don't forget the coups around the world. The US is very guilty of that.


MelaatsenVerplaatser t1_iuh5vgu wrote

So does the EU


MonHedAna t1_iujpp7s wrote

What group did the EU establish, fund, & train to carry out terror attacks on civilians? I’m legitimately curious


DonDove t1_iuhhstn wrote

I mean look at the Russians and the drones just a few weeks ago