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godsenfrik t1_iujdi0b wrote

It's not an unambiguous concession. It's all very reminiscent of the days after the 2000 US Presidential election.


lolzacksnyderfans t1_iujkrsk wrote

Oh right, the election where SCOTUS stepped in and gave the win to Bush despite Gore having more votes, leading to the decline of the country we are still seeing today.

Hopefully the same thing doesn't happen in Brazil.


godsenfrik t1_iujpk15 wrote

Shit, I meant 2020, it was a typo, but it's always good to remember what happened after 2000 too.


AntSure t1_iuk6ijy wrote

2000 makes more sense than 2020. 2020 Trump was crying rigged election months before voting began and was on an all out legal and illegal spree trying to find some method of staying in power immediately after the race was called.


piclemaniscool t1_iujot5l wrote

That's not what happened. Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral college. Most people agree its a dumb system in this day and age, but it's disingenuous to leave out that everything was done per procedure.


Jestdrum t1_iujpmrd wrote

But the Supreme Court stopped the recount in Florida, which likely could've given Gore the electoral vote too.


drmcsinister t1_iujumc8 wrote

That's not totally true either:

Depends on how the ballots would have been counted.


Glioneuronal t1_iujxxp4 wrote

Yes, if Bush’s brother wasn’t destroying votes in black districts arbitrarily it would have been over quickly.


Philypnodon t1_iuk87rr wrote

While only a few ppl know for certain, this seems the most likely scenario. 2000 was a clusterfuck. Just imagine what the world would look like if Gore had actually become president... While I can't actually know, I assume we'd be in a much, much better place than now. So yeah, fuck Jeb. Stupid Mofo


offensiveusernamemom t1_iukanhx wrote

Gore, good chance they would have stopped 9/11, McCain in 04/08, Obama 12/16. Bush's wars screwed a lot of things up for this country, arguably he was worse then Trump, but we get rid of Trump in this timeline too.


AntSure t1_iuk7dyl wrote

>everything was done per procedure

Was it? Had they counted the votes quickly and accurately Al Gore would have won under the electoral college.

It was a 5-4 Federal Supreme Court ruling where they forced Florida to stop it's recount which defied Florida's own laws and Florida's own Supreme Court ruling. The whole thing was unprecedented. Had the recount been allowed to continue as was Florida's law then Al Gore would have become the President under the Electoral College. Only because SCOTUS stopped the recount did he lose.


Ineverus t1_iujpop6 wrote

It's also disingenuous to leave out the absolutely sketchy actions of the republicans leading up to and during the Florida recount, including confusing ballots being printed, intimidation of recount workers by "protestors" flown in by the RNC, and the whole thing being overseen by a republican florida state secretary (in a state governed by Jeb Bush).


Vkusno-Nutty t1_iujx83p wrote

Yes, lots of sketchy actions, but the bad ballot design that caused Gore to lose the presidency was the result of a Democrat's decision. Theresa LePore's incompetence changed the course of history.


WaxednVaxed t1_iuk5d4m wrote

Ah yes a single person caused all of this, not the massively corrupt political organization that has directly reaped the rewards, who BTW are currently obstructing investigations into their own attempted coup of the government. Glad we have an article to absolve the entire GOP of guilt.


Vkusno-Nutty t1_iuk9i9h wrote

That one person did make a very consequential decision. No one said that decision caused everything that's ever happened since, lol. Your straw man is ridiculous.