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t1_iu7yiz0 wrote

‘Palestinians’ in the article are rocks/molotov throwing assholes, good riddance.

Also article fails to clarify that Israel captured West Bank from Jordan, there was never a Palestinian Country and the Jordanians butchered 20,000 Palestinians in Black September right before Israel took over and provided Palestinians with proper healthcare and education. What a terrible ‘occupation’.


t1_iu82pdv wrote

Don't forget "Islamic Jihad" (aka hamas 2) rockets doing the boomerang routine straight into civillian housing.


t1_iua3n8b wrote

Don't forget that it was also one of the more dangerous years for Jews as well. There was just an attack injuring 5 Jewish settlers in the last hour.


t1_iudm7zk wrote

Another reminder that when it comes to the Middle East the UN is uselessly biased. The intefadas? Suicide bombings? No?


t1_iuhskfc wrote

Israel and Palestine have got to stop the misery. There is absolutely no reason these

people can not live in peace and harmony.


t1_iubz04y wrote

2022 and israels still beating up on he Palestinians


t1_iugy8et wrote

2022 and the world still believe to the “Palestinian” lie