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t1_ityw02r wrote

We need a male quota immediately!!!


OP t1_ityxcgp wrote

There's been one since the beginning of humankind.


t1_itzfgvj wrote

That’s not a quota, lady, that’s just nature


t1_itzsuxx wrote

You misspelled patriarchy.


t1_iu0nxfe wrote

If a patriarchy is something that has developed in every society since societies started existing, does that not imply a patriarchy is nature? Most social animals exist in a social system where one gender is dominant.


t1_iu0rm0p wrote

Not really. Plenty of societies were either egalitarian or downright matriarchal but with colonization and occupation from a select few, the culture changed. And that's not accounting for the abrahamic religions which spread with fundamentally misogynystic practices thus changing the societal balances for the last 2000 years.

You might think it is nature but in recent decades, with women getting into positions of power, it has been statistically proven that either companies, businesses and even governments and negotiations ran by women, are considerably more effective and economically fruitful than those run by men. We are weakened physically due to our reproductive features, and that's what the patriarchy exploited (and still does in some places today by erasing any form of reproductive health access) but that doesn't make a world ran exclusively by men the better alternative. And i'm not saying we need to run the entire world without men. Too much work when we already have to carry the weight of our civilization on our backs. Let's do this 50/50 where each pulls their weight.


t1_iu335kz wrote

> Not really. Plenty of societies were either egalitarian or downright matriarchal

Where the hell did you get this from, even in tribes the chief would be a male, they used to have oracles who used to be female.

All tubes always had a structure chief, soldiers, workers/artisans.