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t1_iucxspx wrote

Iran is testing it's weapons in Ukraine to see how effective they will be when Iran attacks Israel.


t1_iud6wxe wrote

Not particularly so, given that like 90% of those damn drones are being shot down by the outdated and depleted ex-Soviet AA hardware the Ukrainians are stuck with. Israel's air defence net is incredibly stringent, and their ability to mount counterstrikes would quickly silence the launchers.


t1_iudrqri wrote

If Israel shoots down 99% and Iran launched 1000. That’s still 10 which hit their target.

Defense by itself isn’t the full picture. Also need offensive capabilities


t1_iudy1fa wrote

At that point, it's extremely uneconomical. Iran relies on smuggled western components for those drones, and launching a thousand of them to land ten hits on targets that probably aren't even that vital is a bad trade.


t1_iueo5wy wrote

100 of those drones is about the price of a cruise missile, it really isnt and thats the issue


t1_iue3ip6 wrote

Tell that to hezbola and those who died while under the protection of the iron dome


t1_iufagbt wrote

Hezbollah hasn't killed any Israelis since the iron dome became operational.


t1_iufd650 wrote

Hasn't hezbollah not gone to war with Israel though after 2006? Or am I wrong and they have done attacks?


t1_iufdqw8 wrote

What does Russia have a fuck load of that Iran really wants. And could send towards Israel? How many shitty drones would they trade for a dozen of those?


t1_iuf38pp wrote

That's still quite a bit cheaper than one jet and clears out some of their ammunition and tracking capacity so the jet has a better chance of getting through.


t1_iugi5kc wrote

That’s their strategy via Hamas and PIJ. overwhelm the iron dome with rockets and some will get through. They sent over 4000 during the most recent major barrage.


t1_iufczzq wrote

No way 90% of these drones are getting shot down unless its with AAA (anti-aircraft-artillery). These drones leave a very small cross-section for radars to pick up.


t1_iufr5kp wrote

More like showing them off in Ukraine so they can sell them on the open market, similar to how bayraktar gave a bunch of their drones to Ukraine as basically free advertisement.

International arms sales is a multi-billion dollar industry that every country wants to get a cut of. Iran's market is all those third world countries who can't buy expensive American weapons because of either high cost, or because they plan on using them for all the wrong reasons.