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godel32 t1_iueeijg wrote

> Worst case it could kick off more war in the Middle East between Israel and Russia

So? After what the Ukrainian army did to them, Israel would easily be able to adequately defend itself.


horsemagicians t1_iuffgdc wrote

Lol what a dumbass response. “We have had thousands of civilians and soldiers die at the hands of Russia, even though we’re winning. So you should just accept the same fate by helping us.”


godel32 t1_iuhwctt wrote

Now put your words into the isolationists in the US in 1939 who were afraid of the US getting involved in the war against Hitler.


calm_chowder t1_iuf9fhd wrote

If Russia attacked Israel you better believe a bunch of Middle East countries would join in. Israel has a population of 9 million people, slightly more people than live in New York City - not an endless supply of soldiers. They can't afford an unnecessary war or to lose any territory.


edc667 t1_iufv8h1 wrote

>So? After what the Ukrainian army did to them, Israel would easily be able to adequately defend itself.

Here's a simple explanation:

More war = more death = not good


godel32 t1_iuhw4qq wrote

Now imagine the isolationists saying the same thing in the US in 1939.