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Aut6 t1_iugj3t5 wrote

I’m not against it. I meant being directly involved. Meaning, the military of my country (being the United States of America) fighting against Russia. I want Ukraine to win. Fuck Putin and his entire regime. But the more and more this drags on, and the more and more I see how Putin is fucking off the innocent civilians of Ukraine on a daily basis, I wish we would do more. I feel it’s time for NATO to do something about this. We are the superpower of the world (NATO I mean) and it’s time to put this terroristic state to an end.


Glittering-Tooth-836 t1_iugyrg2 wrote

Gotta love armchair warmongers who think "we" should do more as long as it's from the comfort of their own home. As someone who spent 8 months of this year at sea under NATO command I don't appreciate when people like you casually sentence me and my friends to death for a conflict that have no business escalating.


eemamedo t1_iuh1vl1 wrote

>I feel it’s time for NATO to do something about this. We are the superpower of the world (NATO I mean) and it’s time to put this terroristic state to an end.

The same way you did in Iraq? The same way you did in Afghanistan? The only difference is that those two countries didn't have nuclear weapons. Grow some brain, stay in the USA, and stop trying to become a police of the world. Nothing good came out of the USA involvement anywhere in the world.


otclogic t1_iugoh7n wrote

I really don’t get this. Small countries have been getting fucked by bigger ones since the dawn on civilization. At least the Ukrainians now have the weapons to match their will, thanks to NATO. But getting drawn into a war with Russia? No thanks. If you’d like you can go volunteer for Ukraine, but I’ll just watch and throw money at it.