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Thue t1_iujk6rl wrote

Russia has been attacking Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, which all the experts say will not work to break Ukrainian will to fight. But at the same time, it surely hardens EU will to support Ukraine.

Russia's actions at the strategic level are utter idiocy. I guess Russia thinks actions like that make they appear strong and ruthless?


Nandy-bear t1_iujl711 wrote

Because they are working on a whole other level. There are so many levels of yes-men, and scenarios that are only going through because the people above and below are terrified to push back. So you get to the point of "let's antagonise the West, we're Russia! We're Bear-STRONG!" and a bunch of dudes side-eyeing each other just agree.

(This is a ridiculously high level of simplification by armchair-analysis of course. But the point is..kinda made)


rdxxx t1_iuk1656 wrote

They aim to create refugee crisis in Europe, they want to influence populations of countries which aid Ukraine to withdraw the support and sanctions on russia