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ArmChairAnalyst86 t1_iyaflng wrote

His point is the Kurds got fucked over solely on the premise the treaty was put into place by TPTB and then rescinded with no recourse.

This is to say NOTHING of any other mitigating factors you mentioned such as ethnicity, history, and which side feels they are right and who is wrong. It's a contained statement. Treaty made. Treaty not upheld.

Not sure what's so hard to understand about that. Further more, why r you so hostile on a reddit forum?

Oh yeah, it's a Reddit forum.


RockyUndBullwinkle t1_iya39qq wrote

Dude, stop. I get it, you’re juicing yourself for something but can you not have compassion for a people who have had a long history of discrimination perpetrated against them? Can you blame a peoples who just want a place they are safe?


[deleted] t1_iya3nee wrote
