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ChadRezzarTTV t1_iy3o0yh wrote

Nobody is going to give up their nuclear weapons, especially now that Ukraine has demonstrated the consequences of doing so.


KingHershberg t1_iy4321k wrote

Ukraine had neither the infrastructure nor the money to maintain and/or use nukes


Initial_Cellist9240 t1_iy4c5wz wrote

Not really. You’re right they didn’t have the launch codes, but they had the material.

Nukes are easy, the hard expensive part is refining all the material. Once you have the material it’s literally just some regular high explosive, in some special shapes that are relatively well understood, and detonation timing. Even without being able to reverse engineer the existing devices, any country with a functional economy would have the resources to figure it out.

There’s a reason we judge countries nuclear pursuits based on enrichment amounts, it’s the only part that matters.


Sensitive_Disk_3111 t1_iy4ch8c wrote

Ukraine certainly had the infrastructure, and I’m sure they’d find the money, if anyone could even imagine the consequences we are witnessing.