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kenbewdy8000 t1_iyb35ci wrote

Here is my unemployment/ inflation tip.

Give up coffee and booze.. Buy bulk dried lentils, beans and rice and base much of your cooking around these three items. Tinned tuna or sardines occasionally for animal protein and citrus for vitamin C. Porridge for breakfast. Buy enough of these in bulk up front and spend money on other ingredients to improve the meal as you need to.


Zebleblic t1_iyciice wrote

My unemployment payment wouldn't even cover my rent at the highest payment they will pay out.


BTWImChloe t1_iyc5rkh wrote

Cutting alcohol and coffee is indeed a good way to save 10-15% of my shop anyway

It’s needless luxury and unhealthy


idontlikeyonge t1_iycl3k2 wrote

Source on coffee being unhealthy?


mastershake04 t1_iycxgpb wrote

I've seen studies saying things either way but from personal experience it has always been weird to me that friends will literally not be themselves until they have their coffee and they are completely addicted to it and their entire morning revolves around it. If it was booze or weed or something people would say they have a problem.

But this drug is normalized in society so you'll see a line of 40 grumpy, twitchy people in the morning waiting for their fix and people dont bat an eye. A lot of people who drink coffee drink wayyy too much for it to be healthy as well.