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Maleficent-Number-10 t1_ixy2beh wrote

If Venezuela or Iran or North Korea or Cuba or Turkmenistan hasn’t collapsed, I don’t see how Russia will.

Live worse and poorer, yes, but I have faith in the mafia state keeping full control of the sheep that decided not to leave.

Source: I’m a local


porncrank t1_ixyexxt wrote

Yeah, sanctions hurt, but they don't generally cause regime change. For a nuclear power, that is only going to come from inside.


daniel_22sss t1_iy0ct24 wrote

Well, 3 of these counteis are already absolute shitholes, that can't project power anywhere and Iran is having big problems right now.

Maybe Russia won't collapse, but it will become a powerless state with non-existent economy, that doesn't decide anything outside its borders.


Snooooked t1_ixzjplm wrote

When was North Korea "normal" in first place, to collapse


EnteringSectorReddit t1_iy0x0ke wrote

Putin say goodbye on New Year's Eve, install replacement, and be happy about its life.

West will gladly reset relations with Russia on next day.


Turd_Gurgle t1_iy1wdbd wrote

I feel like "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" applies here


ctmsansei t1_iy26jzn wrote

north korea's ass is being saved by the international community though? food, medicines, vaccines, etc. cuba too i believe? venezuela has a lot of food sortage problems. also, they arent in the middle of a war like russia. those countries, if they were in a similar war right now...