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Professional-Web8436 t1_iyea16t wrote

Taiwan's air defense zone is over mainland China.

Me flying a drone in China is violating Taiwan's Air defence zone.

They are comparatively meaningless.


Metak007 t1_iyebgvy wrote

Where exactly is the Danger Zone?


Twenty_five t1_iyedgzq wrote

You gotta take the highway to get there l


imvii t1_iyepjv3 wrote

Instructions unclear: Took dirt road to the slightly risky but usually safe zone.


phormix t1_iyeeft6 wrote

I'd imagine there might be overlaps between countries like Canada/USA/Mexico etc. So if group of bombers/fighters is seen on the Canadian side but clearly on a heading towards the US unannounced... it might still be a concern. That is especially if there was a less trusting relationship between the two countries and Canadian bombers weren't otherwise known as geese...


YeetedApple t1_iyefh7d wrote

While true that it does extend over parts of china, that is never the part that is flown over. Most flights are coming from over water in northeast and southeast towards the island and are clearly aggressive, not just flying over their mainland.