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Alternative_Demand96 t1_ixw0ewf wrote

Explain how Rusia could be handled better


Preussensgeneralstab t1_ixw2gi3 wrote

They probably could've gotten somewhat away with it if they only attacked Donetsk and Luhansk, dug in as hard as possible and basically repeat Crimea. However, Russia thought they were invincible, marched convoys after convoys into their doom. Russia made every mistake you can possibly do in war and they pay the price for it.


FrozenInsider t1_ixw6bd7 wrote

If Russia didnt commit so many war crimes, the western support for Ukraine would have been mostly non-existent. The war has been a total strategic failure. All Russia had to do for a victory was to not kill and torture so many civilians.


Preussensgeneralstab t1_ixw6xkt wrote

The war crimes PROBABLY were not the reason, although they are still a major motivator for the west and the people. The reason is still mostly:

1: Eastern Europe hates Russia with a burning passion

2: Western security depends on Russia losing the war. If Russia wins, the peaceful Europe will be over forever.

3: Ukraine losing will be bad for everyone


Pihkal1987 t1_ixw7gdr wrote

Hmm unfortunately you’re wrong. They have committed many atrocities but that only galvanized support for Ukraine publicly. The west would have come to Ukraines aid with or without those war crimes.