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GeneralIronsides2 t1_iy9i3xp wrote

The us Democratic Party and the Chinese communist party have absolutely zero to do with each other and shouldn’t be compared at all, this isn’t rocket science. I don’t know how you think they could be compared in a reasonable sense


dreggers t1_iy9k9eb wrote

It’s comparable in how people view the concept of foreign interference when it comes to a party they support vs ones they do not. Having a double standard on the position is hypocritical


GeneralIronsides2 t1_iy9lk3u wrote

One colluded, the other didn’t, I’m not sure how that’s hypocritical when there’s evidence to the contrary to show it. This is also not related to China at all lol


dreggers t1_iy9qay7 wrote

you have no proof that there isn't collusion by foreign forces in stirring up protests in China. But from what we know about Arab Spring and decades of coups in South America, it's very likely there are foreign actors involved