Submitted by King-of-New-York t3_z7q04u in worldnews
sloopslarp t1_iy8d8gt wrote
Reply to comment by YoMothaFlippin in 'OneLove' anti-hate armbands sell out after FIFA World Cup ban by King-of-New-York
Just to be clear: Are you in opposition to people showing support for LGBTQ folks?
I am so weary of people who say, "raising awareness won't immediately solve everything, so no one should do it at all."
It's funny how this kind of cynicism always immediately pops up as a response to anything pride-related. It's like a sneaky attempt at downplaying social awareness, because you wish they'd just stay closeted.
RedditIsForSpam t1_iy9cne9 wrote
Do you think that buying rainbow merch from a corporation is "showing support"?
Do you think that owning a product somehow raises awarenenss?
Do you think that some people aren't aware of gay people and that it's awarenenss that needs to be raised?
Buddy it's far more effective to not wear your scause and have a conversation with people when you hear them express views that aren't rooted in thought.
Pearson_Realize t1_iyapx90 wrote
You guys find a way to be cynical about everything. People bought armbands to express the fact that they support for the LGBTQ community, and you guys are complaining about it. It must suck to be live life like that.
RedditIsForSpam t1_iybbj5t wrote
Performative gestures like this don't actually support gay people. They support the profit of the type of cynical people you're currently denouncing.
If spending money on a trinket makes you feel good about yourself, that's fine. But don't pretend you're doing anything other than letting yourself ignore real problems for the opiate of imaginary solutions.
Pearson_Realize t1_iybdnmn wrote
I’m sure you’re the most enthusiastic, hardworking activist for gay rights. I’d love to know what you’ve personally done to further equality on this planet that allows you to look down on everybody that publicly shows their support.
How’s this any different from hanging a pride flag outside of your house? It publicly shows that you value members of the LGBTQ, and in a lot of places that alone is a big deal. There are still parts of even western countries where being LGBTQ can put you at a huge risk, and so can supporting them.
And a lot of times, just the public support for these things can make all the difference. Imagine a gay person who feels alone because they were disowned by their family, or lost friends, or in a very unaccepting community seeing someone wearing these armbands. Do you think they’re going to think “they’re just supporting cynical capitalism” or are they going to feel welcomed and accepted?
There are so many interviews or clips of LGBTQ members explaining how it feels to see someone publicly supporting them, and how much it can lift them up when they feel like they don’t belong. But I guess some of us would rather pretend like that never happens, and that anything less than rioting and burning down buildings in the name of equality doesn’t accomplish anything.
Not only is the reality you live in a sad one, it’s also privileged. You’ve clearly never felt like you didn’t belong in a community that didn’t accept you before, because if you did, you’d understand the power of public statements like these.
RedditIsForSpam t1_iybfcfu wrote
>I’m sure you’re the most enthusiastic, hardworking activist for gay rights. I’d love to know what you’ve personally done to further equality on this planet that allows you to look down on everybody that publicly shows their support.
Getting into numerous fist fights over my life to defend queer people from attackers.
>How’s this any different from hanging a pride flag outside of your house?
That's also a meaningless platitude.
>There are so many interviews or clips of LGBTQ members explaining how it feels to see someone publicly supporting them
There are so many conversations I've had with gay people who express the opinion that meaningless platitudes don't help them at all.
>You’ve clearly never felt like you didn’t belong in a community that didn’t accept you before,
Lmao dude quit while you're ahead you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and you're making yourself look like a huge ass.
You know what's privileged? Putting up a decoration and thinking it's a bold stance. Bet you wouldn't be so keen on flying those flags if you lived someone it would make you and your home a target for violence.
Pearson_Realize t1_iybsob1 wrote
> There are so many conversations I’ve had with gay people who express the opinion that meaningless platitudes don’t help them at all.
Because the opinion of the few gay people that agree with you automatically means all gay people agree. I AM part of the LGBTQ community and seeing shit like that means something to me.
> You know what’s privileged? Putting up a decoration and thinking it’s a bold stance. Bet you wouldn’t be so keen on flying those flags if you lived someone it would make you and your home a target for violence
I don’t give a fuck what you think I’d do. Just like I don’t care how condescending you are about people who “don’t do enough.” You can sit and whine about whatever you want, that doesn’t change anything I’ve said. You ignored half my comment and acted like you made some sort of huge gotcha point against me, and your entire opinion is “publicly expressing support for a disadvantaged community is a meaningless gesture” which is genuinely insane.
> Getting into numerous fist fights over my life to defend queer people from attackers.
Not that I don’t believe you, but I don’t believe you.
ihopkid t1_iy9tqtg wrote
The KNVB isn’t really a corporation, it’s a football association.
And yeah, wearing that product out in public does raise awareness. How do you think you raise awareness?
And if you think it’s raising awareness of the existence of gay people, you clearly didn’t read any of the article or their actual statement
And you can’t seriously be suggesting having a conversation with every single bigoted person you meet instead.
RedditIsForSpam t1_iy9ub02 wrote
>football association
Famously averse to profiting at any moral cost Football associations....
>How do you think you raise awareness?
The point is that everyone is aware of this issue. The people being oppressive aren't doing it because tHeY jUsT DoNt UndERsTaNd. They hate queer people because they're hateful.
>And you can’t seriously be suggesting having a conversation with every single bigoted person you meet instead.
No I'm suggesting bullying and belittling them so they understand people won't tolerate their behaviour anymore.
YimmyGhey t1_iy9gd3q wrote
Idk, there are exceptions. For example, I'm not too thrilled people don't "think before you pink" and buy pink shit in October just because 0.0000001% will go towards "raising awareness" and not actually go towards research. Yes, we all know breast cancer is a thing, we're well aware. I'd rather my money go towards research than lining the Susan G Komen foundation's pockets.
[deleted] t1_iy8l9yg wrote
YoMothaFlippin t1_iy8ea4d wrote
yes, i thought i could slide this hidden agenda through, but you slllllyyyy reddit detectives always one step ahead and always manage to unmask my true intentions
you cracked the code and the riddle, you've seen through me and have seen my naked anti-lgbtq agenda, and my plan to initiate the degayification of the world population through the usage of very powerful space lasers capable of degayifying the most gayest of gays
i thought this would be it. this comment, was just the beginning of the dominoes falling. i fought my own surpressed homoerotic fantasies and managed to degaymefy myself through the use of very powerful lasers, i had everything lined up, if only... this... single... comment had slide through... nothing could've stopped my plans... but... i just can't get past these thorough reddit detectives capable of seeing through the fabric of reality and time... capable of the most powerful manipulations of the matrix and, of course, capable of handling the most powerful potions of any potion seller in the world...
you won again. but next time my comment will be even more hidden, and my lasers even more powerful, you saw through me once, but you'll never do it again!
P.S.: If my blatant mockery of your overeaching conclusions that were made entirely based off of a joke comment is not clear enough, do tell me, and I will mock you even harder and even more obviously on my next reply.
dadefresh t1_iy8ls0x wrote
This whole comment just smacks of effort. As if.
streetad t1_iy8yc0w wrote
I, too, belong to Gen X.
YoMothaFlippin t1_iy8m1ad wrote
Thanks for the consideration and review, buddy, but just writing villainous-sounding nonsense doesn't take much effort, I literally just type away
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