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tootoohi1 t1_iyc4fgo wrote

This is such an anti-intellectual take. Yeah I'm sure in humanity's future they'll look back to when they pulled themselves from living in caves to organizing with philosophy and the 2nd biggest literacy increase in populations besides industrialization and think it was dumb and not important.

Redditors with the least amount of knowledge of history/ religion will say ignorant things like this in a news sub and get the updoots straight to the top because you owned the dumb Christians.


Fit-Satisfaction7831 t1_iyc5hdb wrote

You attribute philosophy and literacy to religion, but these concepts predate today's religions by hundreds-to-thousands of years. The religions that were around during their inception are already a very, very brief paragraph in the history of humanity.


Paintingmyfreedom t1_iycpau9 wrote

Its almost as if literacy existing can be divorced from literacy rates.